Top Things To Remember When Buying A Home Virtually

Here at service first, we understand that sometimes you can’t come to El Paso before your big move. We want to work with you to make the process as seamless as possible and help answer any questions you may have beforehand, in order to find the best place for you and your family. 

The truth is that when you’re doing a virtual tour of a home, it’s hard to see every little detail and explore every nook and cranny. That’s why we made a list of things to remember to ask your real estate agent when doing a virtual tour.

Unusual Smells

As much as we’d like to get the full experience of a home tour, smells are one thing that you really can’t experience through the “phone.” Regardless, they are a very important factor to consider because a bad smell can be the indicator of an unfavorable condition.

Whether it’s the smell of garbage, pets, mold or mildew, even cigarettes; some odors can make or break the sale of a home or mean there could be a hidden danger or potential problems lurking beneath. Make sure to acknowledge if any of these are things you’ll want to consider in-person, or if they’re not worth your time in the end.

Age Of Appliances

It may not seem like a huge deal, but knowing how old the existing home appliances are may help you plan ahead in case something needs to be purchased or replaced before your move. Be sure to ask about the age, maintenance and usage of things like the HVAC system in the home; also ask what appliances are included in the sale and if they’re still under warranty or have been recently serviced. 

Appliances should not only look good and fit the style of your new home, more importantly, they should be functional.

Noise Level & View

Another great question to ask your agent is what the noise levels are like inside and outside the home. Windows open and shut, what can you hear from the house? Is it near a busy street or thoroughfare? Are there a lot of families or pets walking outside… All of these questions are valid and can make a difference when you’re looking for your next home. 

Along these same lines comes the question of view. If the house faces a busy street or freeway, what does it look like outside the window. Is there privacy between houses/ neighbors? Etc. 

Remember that you’re buying your next home for you and your family, so every little detail counts.

What Needs Replacement

Seeing pictures online often diminishes the age or wear of certain things like cabinets or countertops. So ask your agent if there is anything major that needs to be replaced or is damaged so you know where you stand in this situation. Sometimes things get “refinished” or painted and you can tell they will need to be replaced in the future. Be up front about it so you don’t have surprises later on.

Additional Concerns 

Your agent should be your eyes and ears where you can’t be while shopping for your new home, so ask them if there’s anything at all that concerns them about the properties you visit. Realtors are not home inspectors but we take pride in knowing things to look for and educating you as to what is going to make the most sense for your specific move. 

Is there water damage anywhere, cracks or could there be a foundational issue to look into further, is there damage on the roof or anything at all that would make them hesitate to buy if that was their next home? Trust your agent’s judgement but ask all the questions you have before you fall in love with a property.  

We want to help you find your next home in El Paso, Texas in a community where you can thrive and lay down roots. Contact us today and let’s work together.


What To Expect When Moving To El Paso, Texas